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Dear colleagues, subscribers and corporate clients, commercial and business partners!

Mobiuz is a mobile operator focused on introducing modern technologies and solutions, providing innovative services.

In its activities, Mobiuz is guided by high standards of ethics and moral principles. The fundamental corporate principle of the company is the unacceptability of any forms of corruption and compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan in this area.

In order to combat corruption, we are constantly improving tools that help us increase the transparency of our activities and minimize any risks of corruption.

As part of ensuring compliance with the requirements of the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Combating Corruption”, as well as other acts adopted in the country and aimed at combating corruption, the Company carries out targeted work to timely identify and prevent corruption offenses. 

Thus, local acts have been developed and implemented that establish the company’s basic principles in this area, mandatory for all Mobiuz employees. To monitor and develop active measures aimed at compliance with anti-corruption acts, the company has a special compliance unit. Special communication channels have been introduced to enable prompt reporting of violations of established rules of conduct, ethics and anti-corruption standards by Mobiuz employees that have become known to subscribers, counterparties, partners and other persons.

A key component of the success of Mobiuz is the trust of our subscribers, partners and contractors. Mobiuz values its reputation, is committed to the principles of honest and open business, and will make every effort to justify the trust placed in us!

General Director of LLC “UMS”

Anti-corruption policy

Rules of Business Conduct and Ethics

If you have witnessed unlawful actions by Mobiuz employees, you are required to be “remunerated” for assistance or services provided in the offices, you are aware of the facts of artificially inflating set prices, as well as other potential or committed offenses on the part of Mobiuz employees,

You can let us know about this by contacting one of the following communication channels:

By telephone helpline:

0870 – for Mobiuz subscribers (free call).

(+998) 97 780 0909 – for calls from numbers of other mobile operators and landline numbers.

By email hotline@mobi.uz

To the Virtual Reception of the General Director of Mobiuz.

Through official Mobiuz channels and pages on social networks Telegram, Facebook, Instagram.

We conduct open and transparent activities in relationships with subscribers, clients, partners and contractors. The information obtained through the communication channels described above will allow us to further improve our work!

Received applications are considered in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan on applications from legal entities and individuals.

When receiving and considering applications, Mobiuz guarantees confidentiality and non-disclosure of personal data of applicants. The Company undertakes not to allow any retaliatory actions against bona fide whistleblowers. 

However, please note that deliberately providing false or misleading information is not permitted.

Attention: all other requests, including those related to the company’s products and services, are considered by calling the call center 0890, 0990, (+998) 97 1300909.

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